You have an illness that interferes with your professional life. An allergy, diabetes, herniated disc or a much greater handicap? If so, it is probably in your interest to have your situation recognized by a public or private health care centre. This will allow you to assert your rights as a person in physical difficulty, in the hope of benefiting from all the advantages that may be available to you.
The advantages of being a disabled worker and retirement
A disabled worker can benefit from several advantages for his retirement. Indeed, after retirement, the professional's pension is calculated at a full rate of 50% and is awarded as a normal pension. Also, he may declare that he is no longer able to carry out his duties properly from the age of sixty onwards. As for early retirement, it is generally compared to the minimum and maximum pensions. However, in order to qualify for this status, a person must be permanently disabled for at least 50 years before February 2014, or have been recognized as a disabled worker before the end of 2015.
How to obtain the disabled worker and pension status?
In a more general way, one applies for recognition of the status of disabled worker or RQTH to a departmental home for the disabled, in particular to the MDPH. You can find the contact details of the MDPH in your department online or at the social services of the town hall. The application file for disabled worker and pension status generally includes an application form as well as medical certificates provided by your doctor. In order to complete the file, you need to indicate other additional information about yourself, namely your family and professional situation, your identification, your address as well as the expression relating to your needs. You also need to mention your specific work and employment needs.
Focus on medical certificates
Of course, medical certificates must be completed and duly signed by your GP. If your disability concerns a specific pathology such as a visual deficiency, a hearing problem, etc., you must sign a medical certificate. Another medical certificate completed and signed by a specialist is recommended. This means that people with visual problems must have an ophthalmologic check-up initialled by their ophthalmologists. Once these files have been completed, all you have to do is complete them with proof of identity and proof of residence. The complete file will then be returned to the MDPH who will acknowledge receipt. Also, although it is not recommended to include a CV. You can then attach it to your application, in the hope that you will receive the best possible care for your case.