Many problems arise when faced with a sudden loss of mobility. Whether it's yourself or someone close to you. One of these problems is that of accessible PMK housing. For a person with reduced mobility, the space to move around with a wheelchair or the different elements to hold on to is essential. But the supply in this area cannot keep up with the demand.

Real estate agencies and sites

In the search for housing, whatever the situation, the first place to find accommodation is the real estate agencies or sites. The same is true for PMR accessible housing. With the help of these people, it would be easier since they are specialized in the field. They can sort out housing adapted for people with reduced mobility. However, it is quite difficult to find adequate housing dating from before the Housing Act in 2005. On the other hand, new housing can be too expensive for some people. The search is therefore often very difficult and many PRMs have already complained about not finding the right accommodation for them. In order to increase the number of eligible dwellings in this sector, it would be necessary to voluntarily refurbish old pre-legislation dwellings.

Assistance in redevelopment

As stated earlier, the safest way to have accessible PMK housing is to do some retrofitting of the house. To do this, the owner can call on the ANAH, the national housing agency. The latter helps by giving a grant to people who want to do the work. Those eligible for subsidies are owners occupying their homes; landlords who rent or wish to rent out their properties; and co-owners' associations wishing to carry out work on common areas. So, if you own your own home, you can apply for help to adapt your home to your disability or that of a relative living there. If not, you can also ask the owners to make the necessary modifications so that the dwelling is not a problem in everyday life.

The Departmental House for the Disabled (MDPH)

The Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH) is there to help and support disabled people and their families in their daily lives. Among the assistance offered by the MDPH, there is also the question of housing. It can guide those concerned in the right direction to find accessible PMR housing. In order to assess the needs of the disabled person, the Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH) sets up a multidisciplinary team. From there, it can indicate what kind of housing the patient needs. Once it is known what requirements need to be met to facilitate the daily life of the MDPH and his family, the targeted search makes it easier to find the dwelling. So, for all the problems relating to the life of a PMR, the Departmental House for Disabled Persons (MDPH) is at their service as well as their family.