Non-slip tiles are a device that can greatly assist people with reduced mobility. They can move more freely and unassisted, and live a more fulfilling life.


The word PRM (persons with reduced mobility) encompasses any individual who cannot move freely like a "normal" person, for whatever reason. There is a tendency to think that PRMs only apply to people with disabilities or the elderly. However, you may become temporarily "disabled" as a result of an accident. During your recovery period, you will be a fully-fledged person with reduced mobility. It is not necessary to be in a wheelchair to be classified as a PRM, overweight, too small or too tall, sick, elderly, disabled, injured, .... In short, any individual who cannot move freely like a "normal" person can be classified as MRP. The law of 11 February on the participation in civic life of persons with disabilities and on equal rights and opportunities requires institutions for the general public to adapt their premises and services to accommodate PRMs. Several measures have been put in place to facilitate the movement of these persons: access ramps, lifts, passageways and, of course, stable and non-slip floors. It is in this context that anti-slip tiling finds its main interest.


Anti-slip tiling is subject to standards that make it possible to assess its effectiveness in terms of adhesion.  The assessment of slip resistance is mainly based on the German standards DIN 51097 and DIN 51130. The DIN 51130 standard is based on the level of adhesion of the tile depending on the angle of inclination.  For example, R9 is an anti-slip tile with an adhesion of less than 10° and R13 is an anti-slip tile with an adhesion of more than 35°. DIN 51097 follows more or less the same principle, but classifies the anti-slip tiles into A, B and C according to their level of adhesion. However, DIN 51097 and DIN 51130 are not entirely objective. The assessment of the slip resistance of the tile was made by a person standing on it, with and without shoes.


The anti-slip tile is a device that makes it easier for PRMs to move around in public places. People in wheelchairs cannot climb stairs, and a ramp is not fully secure, especially if it is very steep. A non-slip floor makes it easier to climb up an incline and to stop in the middle if necessary. A slippery floor can be extremely dangerous, especially for MRPs. Non-slip flooring significantly minimises accidents for people in wheelchairs, on crutches or canes.