Also known by its acronym AAH, the allowance for adults with disabilities is a social aid that the Caisse d'allocations familiales (CAF) pays to people who are disabled and unable to work. However, in order to receive it, a number of conditions must be met.

Conditions relating to rates of incapacity

More concretely, the Allowance for Adults with Disabilities (AAH) is a dedicated financial aid whose purpose is to provide a minimum income to people with a disability that prevents them from working. Since 1 November 2019, the amount of this aid has increased from 860 to 900 euros per month, an increase which is of course the result of the executive's decision to significantly increase the AAH. The latter is only dedicated to individuals recognized as disabled by the Commission on the Rights and Autonomy of Persons with Disabilities (CDPAH) and whose disability rate is at least 80%. Of course, this rate is one of the conditions for receiving AAH. P.S. The AAH can however be awarded to persons with a disability rate of 50 to 79% for whom their disability represents a "lasting and substantial restriction of access to employment". More specifically, their disability does not allow them to carry out their occupation despite the accommodations made in their workplace. Of course, this restriction must also be recognized by the CDPAH.

Conditions relating to age and place of residence

The AAH is only awarded to disabled persons who are at least 20 years of age, and possibly to those over 16 years of age, who are no longer considered to be dependent on their parents. In all cases, these persons must reside permanently in metropolitan France or in the overseas departments and collectivities. Foreigners may also receive the benefit, but only if they have a valid residence permit.

Resource requirements

In order to receive AHA, one's own resources and those of the individual with whom one lives as a couple must in no case exceed a certain ceiling. This ceiling, depending on the number of dependent children, generally varies from €10,800 to €32,400 for people living alone and from €19,548 to €41,148 for those living as a couple. However, the income that is taken into account is that of the year N-2: salaries, income from movable and immovable property and agricultural profits. Thus, the income taken into consideration in 2020 is that received in 2018. These resources are then reduced by the charges that are borne and tax allowances.